Tuesday, November 27, 2012

There is Still time.

I am so jittery right now, why am I so nervous?
Trying to keep calm but I feel so anxious.
Messing up a lot  and embarrassing my self.
I wish I could just fade away till nothing is left.
In math, I do not know what to do next.
God, I ask can you hear you me now.
Rebuke it Lord, all this fear and doubt.
I know that it will be ok, I'm beginning to understand.
It was you put the pen in my hand.
Giving me the ability to write.
Writing a few that take up the entire night.
After all that I am stuck on writer's block.
Writing like a fiend, man I gotta know when to stop.
School is important, too important to fail.
Don't want to get an F in the mail.
I know now what I must do.
Get off my ass and do well in school.
Life is too short and I can't always feel down.
It is cloudy now but,
The sun always seems to come around.
That is what I look forward to.
Doing something new.
Expanding what I know.
Telling the devil No!
There is somewhere I would rather go.
Back Home to the country.
Sunny, warm, and plenty to eat.
I am not going to change or aiming to please.
There is nothing wrong with me.
Words and actions can make me feel hurt.
Pretend to care only makes it worse.
I stand tall, no one is my crutch.
Depending on people like that is messed up.
As life goes on so shall I.
Time to wake up and see the world with my own eyes.

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