Monday, November 5, 2012

Becoming Stronger

Went to the hospital today for a visit.
Wonder what the doctor will say while I sit.
Can't sleep and really don't feel like eating.
For some reason I have no problem reading.
Reading sci-fi and Percy jackson.
Writing poems is my passion.
I felt like I lost a part of myself.
Feeling alone when I need some help.
Who's is left standing at the end of the night.
Just me in my room, What is my reason to fight?
Fighting for me, there is no room for pity.
No need to complain and say life is shitty.
I've been down a lot and I lose track of time.
I know I am still that same guy who is kind.
To give a helping hand to anyone in need.
Not getting carried away and corrupted by greed.
People and their words, that is just their opinion.
It's there to get me upset, why bother to listen.
They didn't help or try to show support.
Like the unreliable evidence that is shown in court.
I will not listen to people who talk about me.
There are other things I can do, like study.
To pass my class.
To not look like an ass.
Look up at the clouds.
Surviving all that, I can be proud.
My Life has already begun.
To not change who i am, I can have fun.
That infection can harm me no longer.
Faith is the cure, It has made me stronger.
To go outside to see what God has made.
 After all that ,I know that I am not a mistake.

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