Saturday, November 24, 2012

Chapter 3: The temple in the Hills


A traveler from a far away land. A strange red-eyed creature that shares a bond with the traveler. A enemy who seeks revenge. What does it all mean? Hmm Well let the story continue.

Deep in the middle of the forest is a temple that is nested high on a hilltop. The monk and his apprentice help the young man Jin to recover. After a few days on resting and bitter medication Jin awakes to the sound of a waterfall. "Good morning" says the monk How are you feeling young man. Jin holds his head and says I feel wobbly. The monk laughs heartily and tells him just the medicine taking effect. His apprentice gives the hungry traveler some food which he gladly accepts. Jin shows his thanks toward to monk and tell him that he is Jin, a warrior from Zera. The monk tells Jin that he is the Master of the temple and that he and his apprentice was waiting for someone when they found him. Jin wonders who were they waiting for but he decides not to ask. The master monk then asked "what was he doing out there in the wastelands?"

Jin explain that he was investigating the egg that fell from the sky and that when got there he found the red-eyed creature. After he found Red-Eyes, He wander down the mountain but was followed by a knight known as Dark Blade. The Master tells Jin that he has heard stories about the knight and that he possesses the power to manipulate dragons. Suddenly Jin panics and askes the Master if has seen Red-Eyes? He replies no and Jin frantically searches the temple for it. He shouts at the sky and blames himself for losing Red-Eyes.

The winds picks up and a girl on top of giant bird appears as to answer the call. Jin shouts at the girl demanding to know who she is. The wind hits Jin hard as he blows far only for the Master to save him from falling to his death. My My says Master Monk, that is no way to treat a guest. The girl bows to master and that she only attack him to defend herself. I am Caam says the girl and I've come to seek your assistance Master Monk.

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