Sunday, November 11, 2012

Good to remember

A good day is when the sun shining in the sky.
When I look outside, no reason to ask why.
Knowing as  I walk that everything will be ok.
Praying to God for safety and a good day.
The devil takes hits at me for a while.
I hold myself together will faith
You will not take away my smile.
Hooking up the system to play some games.
Remember the good times back in the day.
Playing with the kids from down the block.
We were outside, whether it was cold or hot.
Playing Halo or sneaking off to Gamestop.
We didn't care, we had fun.
At the time, I knew that I could run.
Running away from my problems.
But I no longer do that, instead I solve them.
Although there is one problem I want to solve.
To have someone there when I fall.
I keep praying for someone like to come into my life.
Old snake keeps pointing me in the direction of the knife.
No that isn't the road that I will take.
Going forward in life not repeating my mistakes.
I believe in myself and I do have faith.

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