Saturday, November 3, 2012

Climbing up

 In a dark and gloomy room.
There lies a man, thinking on what to do.
The storm has made everyone confused.
Having faith in God, he knows that he isn't doomed.
Thanking the lord that at least people are outside.
They may not have power, but at least they are still alive.
Where I am everyone is so separate from each other.
Where are those bonds?
What ever happen to helping out one another.
At least, I have not given up my faith.
With it I know which path to take.
So why is my mind so clouded.
My future is unknown, it is completely shrouded.
Need to help myself get better and back on my feet.
Walking alone in the debris-ridden street.
Watching where I step, One step at a time.
I smile as I see the sun rise in to the sky.
Knowing that One day things will be different.
Knowing what make sense.
Being true and honest about my beliefs.
Finding motivation in myself gives me relief.

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