Saturday, November 10, 2012

How My day went

Hmm, what to write about.
How about about what is going on now.
Just went through two storms one after the other.
In times like this, we should be helping one another.
After two weeks, Finally the neighborhood got the power back.
Man, I am so going to load up with snacks.
Chips and Arizona Green teas.
I gotta find something healthy to eat.
Winter is coming and this year is about to end.
Even though, There are some things that I don't understand.
I don't know what to expect, but I can't just sit and wait.
Getting prepared to go outside and through the gate.
Walking in the street with house on each side.
Everyday is new day,  maybe there will be a suprise.
I was glad though that I saw my family.
Even though I don't see them like that, They mean a lot to me.
I pray that every family that live through this is safe.
I remember not to think only of myself, that would be a mistake.
Not the only one in the world with problems.
God shows me the way to solve them.
Faith in myself and a clear mind.
To pass through the darkness with thoughts that are kind.
In the end I know I can't save everyone.
I accept that truth.
I stand firmly and say " I will not run"
"I will face the fear that lies inside my heart".
It will not consume me nor tear me apart.
For God is with me here and now.
Helping me through troubled times and tells me not to doubt.

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