Sunday, November 25, 2012

Calling the Shots

I got a cellphone but not many people call.
Is there anyone willing to at all.
I look at my contacts and then I hesitate.
Closing the phone up, not knowing what to say.
People around me tell me at least you are free.
They can say that but they are not me.
How can I be free and yet feel so empty.
That void that refuses to close.
Collapsing on myself, becoming a Ghost.
Wanting the pain to stop.
Terrible memories are stubborn as rocks.
Sometimes I write and other times I cry.
Seeing myself losing and about to die.
I know that time will come.
As far as problems go, I am not the only one.
Only God knows when.
Until that Time, for me it is not the end.
Friends are the gifts that God sends.
To allow my broken mind to mend.
I am going around and getting upset over what.
I lost someone I care about, wanted to give up
Telling myself, doing that is not really worth it.
Picking myself up. I have taken enough hits.
Wanting good times with people to spend it with.
Who knows, maybe my life might take a little spin.
I have to have faith in 3 things.
God, myself and whatever the future brings.
Still I have hope to meet that special person one day.
For now I, will write poems and continue to pray.

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