Monday, October 29, 2012

A storm comes but I will still be Me.

The rain pours and the wind howls like a wild beast.
Dangerous to be out there in the street.
The wind tends to get faster and stronger.
Like depression.
Holding things in and it stays longer.
I don't want to feel hurt anymore.
I am afraid of what the future has in store.
At least God is there watching over me.
Showing me there are possibilities.
To overcome the darkness, I must have faith.
Anger, pain, and doubt I must erase.
Those things only exist to bring me down.
Is that why people say I walk with a frown.
Well then they shouldn't say things about me.
They don't know anything.
Why should they talk.
Kick rocks and take a walk.
Don't need your opinion on life.
Listening to that brought me closer to the knife.
One month has past and here I am.
Seeing people for what they truly are, Now I understand.
I meant nothing to them but I didn't think that way back.
Here i am now trying to survive on nothing but snacks.
I am content with that and that God keeps me alive.
I know one thing Unlike them he won't lie.
To me he is like a guide showing me the way.
Sandy is here now but tomorrow is another day.
I choose not to dwell on what they have done.
Believing that this is not the end.
There will be a day where I will have fun.
I must be patient it will not just come to me.
I look for the day where it will be just sunny.

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