Sunday, October 7, 2012

Last Day

A purpose is important helps the lost find their way.
At the sunrise, marks the beginning of a new day.
The past is a reminder of what once was.
Don't let it become your burden, accept it and give it a hug.
There are people who care, people who matter to you.
All this time there have been there, giving you advice on what to do.
When someone is trying to help you, don't turn your back.
You begin to lose everything and in the end you feel like crap.
Wondering to yourself, is this end for me?
No, its not stand tall on your own two feet.
When life gets hard, we do fall down.
Then you see the true nature :a clown.
Didn't take the obstacles seriously, thought it was joke.
Then everything vanishes like a puff of smoke.
Suddenly it's not funny anymore, now its just tears.
Tears cause by pain and overwhelm by fear.
"Make it go away" , the words utter from you mouth.
Thunder approaches, hearing a voice say " why did you doubt?".
You didn't mean for this to happen, you wanted attention.
It's not always about you, there are other things to mention.
How you were before and the friends that you had.
It's not good to be number one, you end up feeling sad.
If something good happened for a reason, don't ask why.
It's the feeling that counts, the one in your mind.
Having a balance mind works for you and others.
What goes around comes around like helping out one another.

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