Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Asking for help doesn't hurt.
Being independent, Does it work ?
Hard work and determination that is what counts.
Walking down the road without any doubt.
Seeing the gifts life has brought us.
Some people don't see it, instead they cuss.
To be alive each day, to be able to breathe.
I wonder how life is on the open sea.
Man, its good to have dreams.
To think about it and say what does it mean ?
I can be me who drinks green tea and writes.
I will keep on writing ,even if its late in the night.
It puts a smile on my face to see how far I've come.
Time to stop being so negative and to have some fun.
I recognize and acknowledge my mistakes.
Keeping everyone in my prayers and making sure they're safe.
I know what I did was wrong, but its not the end.
I accept what I did, now I fully understand.
Listening to friend's story about what they went through.
Remember there are bad days but, there are good days too.

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