Sunday, October 28, 2012

It comes from within.

Being a hero to those who don't have one.
It sounds impossible but I know it can be done.
Greed and selfishness corrupt this world.
Lusting for another man's girl.
What is being done about these things.
It sucks when I see this go on.
I know what It feels like to be used as a pawn.
I am pawn no longer, helping myself to get better.
I am only offering advice not a lecture.
Friends are people just like you and me.
When we are all together, feels like a family.
But then there are some who don't share that opinion.
Going out there, doing things for attention.
life doesn't work that way, trying to fit in.
I will not risk everything trying to win.
Winning isn't everything, I always known that.
Not giving in to the enemy helps me feel less like crap.
I go and do what I can each day.
I'm mostly a quiet person but I do have plenty to say.
Life is important, We each get only one chance.
Communication is necessary, it allows us to understand.
People can assume what they don't know.
I prefer the real thing over some show.

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