Sunday, October 14, 2012

The pain I feel and then a little glimmer of Hope.

I am tired of being the same old guy.
When problem comes, asking why.
The past does not define who I  am.
Instead of looking at that, take time to understand.
When it comes to feeling, I should be considerate.
Take times to do thing right, don't rush and be an idiot.
I wake up, start the day and be me.
Facing the real world, what is my destiny ?
At the moment I feel really alone.
No one here except me on my own.
Fading fast, Once again I am a ghost.
Times I feel tired and hungry at most.
Not really wanting to do much.
Life does really freakin suck .
Damn this Negativity
Its like being infected with disease.
The strength I had is slipping away.
 Going by fast each day.
Those good memories, where are they? I want to love someone, someone who cares.
This is a big world,is someone there ?
The feelings that I have is not for just anyone.
To be able to smile and have fun.
Most people see me as a bad person.
The more I hold in, The pain just worsens.
There is though someone on my mind.
When she smiles, to me she shines.
I feel myself writing poems about her.
To not feel this about any other.
Going there and back again.
I will overcome this pain and it will end.

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