Monday, October 8, 2012


Trying to get out, need to escape.
Out the hole, which road do I take.
I feel them closing in.
If I listen to them, then they win.
Why I should I follow what they do?
They say they are there to help you.
Instead I get a knife to the back.
Life can get complicated, that's a fact.
Being around people, for me that hard.
Their words hurts just like glass shards.
But it's not everyone who is bad.
Not everyone is here to make you sad.
The negativity make me cower in fear.
Hiding myself away from the world for years.
When I feel sad, I feel like time slows down.
Instead of smile, People see a frown.
Even though I walk with straight face.
What people say upsets me, just look at the face I made.
I look in to the mirror and only see a reflection.
Can't be this all the time, I want to make a connection.
I want to connect to society.
To be expressive with my words and to be me.
No more anxiety, no more pain.
Time to stop losing at this damn game.
To take control and to look alive.
On the ground I stand, I want to aim for the sky.  

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