Sunday, October 7, 2012

One Choice.

One choice to make, one life to live.
I should have faced my problem, instead i choose to hid.
Hiding who i am from you and society.
I can see myself fading quietly.
That was then and this is now.
I can be me and be proud.
Writing my thoughts and feelings in this book.
I learned to take my time and look.
Friends will be there for laughs and support.
Filling up the room with laughter and snorts.
Facing the future what should I do.
Look at your options and then review.
A plan will form from ideas written down.
Sometimes a plan fails causing you to frown.
Its not the end yet, there is still time.
Turn things around with a comeback line.
Don't force anything, just take it slow.
Only time will tell and Only God knows.

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