Tuesday, October 9, 2012

An effort to make a friend

 I want to learn how to talk to someone.
Someone I can call a friend.
I should just go for it, instead of being nervous.
By you talking with me, you have done a great service.
At times, I could use someone to talk with.
The ignorant people really need to get  kicked.
Taking my words the wrong way.
People like that ruin the day.
In life, we mostly fail.
The boat will get stuck  until it is time to sail.
People all around me yet I feel alone.
The feeling of all hope seemingly gone.
Men and women both have roles to play.
In the end it does matter what you say.
Words can express how you feel.
Like two countries fighting, time to make a deal.
Deal with your emotions and bring home a good answer.
Don't let your anger deteriorate you like cancer.

"Anger is the key to your own Destruction"
                                         -Jynex Sol.

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