Thursday, October 11, 2012

My worst enemy is Me

Clouds in the sky, the rain starts to fall.
The struggle within myself, is there any hope at all?
Listening to the song Route 209, it takes me back.
When I was living at home before all this crap.
I been holding this heavy load for a while.
Just recently, I began to smile.
Man, it really has been some time.
These good thought, they really are mine.
Some people believe that I do more harm than good.
Like Yoda says mind their business they should.
I have fallen down, but I don't just stay there.
My life doesn't stop here because  of your stare.
The negativity trying to hold me in place.
Taking the hammer of positive thoughts to negativity's face.
It shatters just like glass.
Those bad feelings made me look like an ass.
Let those things go, venture there no more.
Time for a new beginning, starting from the shore.

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