Monday, October 8, 2012

What I feel

I feel like nothing is really there.
No motivation to do anything, only my nightmares.
I would really like to do something.
Instead I let the little things bother me.
My emotions are everywhere,disturbing images in my head.
I try to sleep,ended it up falling on the bed.
Bad memories haunt me throughout the day.
Unable to speak, i really don't know what to say.
Help me Lord please, the poison makes me feel numb.
When i start to go back, it tells me that i did wrong.
I feel so upset, writing allows me to be calm.
In the end, the only thing that matters is you.
Knowing how to handle your problems and pull through.
Wanting things to go smoothly.
All these issues don't make it easy.
They surround me like a plague.
Considering my health, it seem I've lost my taste.
Having a hobby helps in a lot of ways.
Having friends who join you is also OK.
At times, you feel like you're in total control.
Don't let winning fool you, you could end in a hole.
I like to play games casually and to have fun.
To get along with everyone and not act dumb
Why does a person gets mad when they lose?
Don't take it so seriously, don't quit so soon.
It so easy for a person to give in and erupt.
It takes effort to not give up
Don't blame yourself for losing, try again.
It means a lot more when you get up and stand.

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