Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Path to Redemption

Thinking about what I have done.
 It's cold outside, where is the sun?
Alone in my room, the bad thoughts start to come.
Telling me that I am worthless, feeling shunned.
Struggling with the bad, forgetting about the good.
Need to handle my problems like a  man should.
Confront it if necessary, let it go after.
That was the last page, time for a new chapter.
Cutting people off for me was hard.
Where did this problem occur and when did it start?
Not saying anything has allow others to walk in.
Hoping to stay afloat, when you're really sinking.
By the time it is realized, it is already too late.
No time for regrets, learn from your mistakes.
Getting myself together is a goal.
To be me my own person, complete as a whole.
Not being judgmental or trying to be the best.
I will take the time now to heal and to rest.
I thank God for keeping me alive.
To have that is a blessing, I don't ask why.
Keeping my mind focused on the times ahead.
Those good memories remind me not to hang my head.

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