Monday, October 22, 2012

I will carry on.

Reality can be harsh to whatever it's sees.
Like getting stung all over by a bunch of bees.
Are you going to stand there or move out of the way.
Time is going by fast, while you do nothing all day.
Motivation is hard to come by.
Something that happens to me and I ask "why?"
The unexpected is very good at catching me off guard.
Problems arise that I can't solve, making life really hard.
Can I control what happens to me in this life?
It does makes a difference when I put down the knife.
No need to bring what has happened before.
Leave it there, like rotten milk I find in the store.
Going forward is the next plan of action.
Making things happen as myself not as a fraction.
Holding myself together in times of stress.
Not allowing the devil to distrub my rest.
God is there showing what I can do.
How to let go, and pull myself through.
Writing is his gift to me.
Showing me that I have a talent in poetry.
One day I hope to put all these poems in a book.
Sharing it with others so everyone can have a look.
Remembers all those people who kind.
Those people's advice will stay in my mind.
I have feelings like everyone else.
Being Considerate of others and taking the time to help.
Caring for the person next to you.
In return they might invite to have some food.
The future is mysteroius and unknown.
Wandering around I have found my home.
Home is a place where I feel comfort from people who care.
Remembering what they have done for me, even if they are not there.
In time my wound will have finally healed.
I will carry on and not yield.
Walking to that special place.
Seeing God greeting me with a smile on his face.
Telling me to always have faith.
Knowing one day, I will do something great.

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