Saturday, October 13, 2012

Something about me...

Reading all this poems that I had written before.
For a moment, I stopped and then began to write more.
Hopefully One day I can put this into a book.
That way many people can pick it up and look.
A book of poems that reveals my troubled past.
It took a while but the negativity didn't last.
At first I thought i was the one to blame.
Racking my brain about to go insane.
Other people can relate to having a bad childhood.
Some parents had no role model to show them the good.
Getting mad and throwing things, where has your mind gone?
Don't you know that instigating is just wrong.
Listen to everything before you start yelling.
No one knows everything so please stop telling.
Telling a person to do this, what makes your advice right?
If something were to happen, could you sleep at night?
Until the day came when I got on my knees and prayed.
Praying to overcome the darkness and to see a new day.
Being alone at times can be either good or bad.
I been alone majority of my life, and for that I feel sad.
They have been many people I have told my story to.
When I tell it, heart clutches hard, hearing what I had to go through.
I don't tell you so you can show pity.
There's no joy  when someone else is doing the hitting.
It hurts and I have to remember it for the rest of my life.
At the end of the day I thank God for being alive.
He watches over me, my family and my friends.
He assures that this moment is not the end.

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