Monday, October 29, 2012

Talking about life

Sandy is talking, blowing away wires and trees.
God lets me know that she is no threat to me.
As long I have faith in myself and those who care.
Allows me to believe in my Lord , I know he is there.The wind blows but we know not where it comes from.
I don't underestimated it as it can harsh to some.
Thinking about life and what to look forward to.
I only desire peace in my life and to pull through.
At times I feel like I repeat myself.
If I do, then it is  the positive words that mostly help.
I pray that everyone is inside and safe.
Time to be cautious and to avoid making mistakes.
I can hear the howl of the strong breeze.
Still sick with the cold, and I don't have to sneeze.
That's a relief! In my room drinking green tea.
It my favorite drink to have when it gets depressing.
I don't go around to get green herbs or white rocks.
There are important things to get like food or socks.
Self- control is the way to go.
Will life get better? Only God knows.
Telling to me have Faith. Going for the gold.
That is the reward I get for not falling in the hole.

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