Sunday, October 7, 2012

What goes on in my head 2

Motivation is what I need.
Focusing on how to help me.
My emotions are all over the place.
Feeling the anxiety, my heart begins to race.
Holding my chest, I begin to fall down.
I just lay there still without making a sound.
My eyes look up but I cannot see.
I don't understand on what is going on around me.
Everything feels so strange.
No longer comfortable, nothing feels the same.
I get up and begin to walk.
I see other people but I do not talk.
If I hold it in, then I fall apart.
Going down that negative path, I don't need to start.
\Being emotionless is another way of not caring.
Being there for one another and sharing.
It's good to have friends who show their support.
To be content with what you have and nothing more.
I'm no longer look back at the past.
Back then, I should have listen and took time to ask.
My thoughts made me believe me that everyone was my enemy.
At that moment, I decided to get help and start my recovery.
Redemption is my main goal.
To climb to the top and to get out of the hole.
I don't want to stay in a room by myself forever.
I learned from experience to not push anyone ever.
I cannot save everyone, especially my friends.
We each have to face ourselves before we face the end.

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